All functions |
Check whether reference is a data package |
Checks whether a reference has a more recent version |
Check whether a reference exists on DataStore |
Retrieve digital data package holding(s) from DataStore. |
Get newest DataStore reference version |
Restricts get_unit_code to just National Parks |
Get DataStore Citations for a park-species combination |
Get DS References for a park-species combination |
Get URL for references for a park-species combination |
Return Basic information about a list of DataStore References |
Get citation for Data Store holding info by HoldingID |
Get a list of reference codes from DataStore |
Dynamically access NPS park unit code data |
Gets information about a park Unit Code |
Search irmaservices.nps using any piece of information. |
Gets common EML metadata elements and puts them in a dataframe #' `r lifecycle::badge('experimental')` |
Read contents of data package(s) and return a list of tibbles list of tibbles based on the data file(s). Can use metadata to specify data types. |
Loads EML-formatted metadata into R for inspection and/or editing |
Map WKT geometry (points and polygons) |
Delete data packages from your local machine |
Collect summary statistics on data packages |