fuzz_location() "fuzzes" a specific location to something less precise prior to public release of information about sensitive resources for which data are not to be released to the public. This function takes coordinates in either UTM or decimal degrees, converts to UTM (if in decimal degrees), creates a bounding box based on rounding of UTM coordinates, and then creates a polygon from the resultant points. The function returns a string in Well-Known-Text format.

fuzz_location(lat, lon, coord_ref_sys = 4326, fuzz_level = "Fuzzed - 1km")


  • The latitude in either UTMs or decimal degrees.

  • The longitude in either UTMs or decimal degrees

  • The EPSG coordinate system of the latitude and longitude coordinates. Either 4326 for decimal degrees/WGS84 datum, 4269 for decimal degrees/NAD83, or 326xx for UTM/WGS84 datum (where the xx is the northern UTM zone). For example 32616 is for UTM zone 16N.

  • Use "Fuzzed - 10km", "Fuzzed - 1km", or "Fuzzed - 100m"


Details will be defined later.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
fuzz_location(703977, 4035059, 32616, "Fuzzed - 1km")
fuzz_location(36.43909, -84.72429, 4326, "Fuzzed - 1km")
} # }