Convert EML date/time format string to one that R can parse

convert_datetime_format(eml_format_string, convert_z = FALSE)



A character vector of EML date/time format strings. This function understands the following codes: YYYY = four digit year, YY = two digit year, MMM = three letter month abbrev., MM = two digit month, DD = two digit day, hh or HH = 24 hour time, mm = minutes, ss or SS = seconds, +/-hhmm, +/-hh:mm, or +/-hh = UTC offset.


Should a "Z" at the end of the format string (indicating UTC) be replaced by a "%z"? Only set to TRUE if you plan to use fix_utc_offset to change "Z" in datetime strings to "+0000".


A character vector of date/time format strings that can be parsed by readr or strptime.


convert_datetime_format() is not a sophisticated function. If the EML format string is not valid, it will happily and without complaint return an R format string that will break your code. You have been warned. Note that UTC offset formats using a colon or only two digits will be parsed by this function, but if parsing datetime values from strings, you will also need to use fix_utc_offset to change the UTC offsets to the +/-hhmm format that R can read.


#> [1] "%m/%d/%Y"
convert_datetime_format(c("MM/DD/YYYY", "YY-MM-DD"))
#> [1] "%m/%d/%Y" "%y-%m-%d"