The function will add a single project title and URL to the metadata corresponding to the DataStore Project reference that the data package should be linked to. Upon EML extraction on DataStore, the data package will automatically be added/linked to the DataStore project indicated.EML2.2.0 only supports a single project so set_project()will overwrite/replace an existing project element.

  dev = FALSE,
  force = FALSE,



is an EML-formatted R object, either generated in R or imported (typically from an EML-formatted .xml file) using EML::read_eml(, from="xml").


String. The 7-digit number corresponding to the Project reference ID that the data package should be linked to.


Logical. Defaults to FALSE, meaning the function will validate user input based on the DataStore production server. You can set dev = TRUE to test the function on the development server.


logical. Defaults to false. If set to FALSE, a more interactive version of the function requesting user input and feedback. Setting force = TRUE facilitates scripting.


Logical. Defaults to TRUE. Most NPS users should leave this as the default. Only under specific circumstances should it be set to FALSE: if you are not publishing with NPS, if you need to set the publisher location to some place other than the Fort Collins Office (e.g. you are NOT working on a data package) or your product is "for" the NPS but not "by" the NPS and you need to specify a different agency, set NPS = FALSE. When NPS=TRUE, the function will over-write existing publisher info and inject NPS as the publisher along the the Central Office in Fort Collins as the location. Additionally, it sets the "for or by NPS" field to TRUE and specifies the originating agency as NPS.




This function will overwrite existing projects. To add a DataStore project to your metadata, the project must be publicly available. The person uploading and extracting the EML must be an owner on both the data package and project references in order to have the correct permissions for DataStore to create the desired link. If you have set NPS = TRUE and force = FALSE (the default settings), the function will also test whether you have owner-level permissions for the project which is necessary for DataStore to automatically connect your data package with the project.

DataStore only add links between data packages and projects. DataStore cannot not remove data packages from projects. If need to remove a link between a data package and a project (perhaps you supplied the incorrect project reference ID at first), you will need to manually remove the connection using the DataStore web interface.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
eml_object <- set_project(eml_object,
} # }