set_creator_orcids() allows users to add (or remove) ORCiDs to creators or edit/update existing ORCiDs associated with creators. ORCiDs are persistent digital identifiers associated with individual people and remain constant despite name changes. They can help disambiguate creators with similar names and associate all the products of one creator in one space despite variations in how the name was used (e.g. Rob Baker and Robert Baker and Robert L. Baker but NOT any of the 15 million or so other Robert Bakers). To register an ORCiD or manage your ORCiD profile, go to

set_creator_orcids(eml_object, orcids, force = FALSE, NPS = TRUE)



is an EML-formatted R object, either generated in R or imported (typically from an EML-formatted .xml file) using EML::read_eml(, from="xml").


String. One or more ORCiDs listed in the same order as the corresponding creators. Use "NA" if a creator does not have an ORCiD. Do not include the full URL. Format as: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (the prefix will be added for you).


logical. Defaults to false. If set to FALSE, a more interactive version of the function requesting user input and feedback. Setting force = TRUE facilitates scripting.


Logical. Defaults to TRUE. Most NPS users should leave this as the default. Only under specific circumstances should it be set to FALSE: if you are not publishing with NPS, if you need to set the publisher location to some place other than the Fort Collins Office (e.g. you are NOT working on a data package) or your product is "for" the NPS but not "by" the NPS and you need to specify a different agency, set NPS = FALSE. When NPS=TRUE, the function will over-write existing publisher info and inject NPS as the publisher along the the Central Office in Fort Collins as the location. Additionally, it sets the "for or by NPS" field to TRUE and specifies the originating agency as NPS.




ORCiDs should be supplied as a list in the order in which the creators are listed. If a creator does not have an ORCiD, put NA (NO quotes around NA!) in the list in that space. Only consider individual people who are creators (and not organizations, they will automatically be skipped). ORCiDs should be supplied as a 16-digit string with hyphens after every 4 digits: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx. Please do not include the URL prefix for your ORCiDs; this will automatically be inserted for you.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
#only one creator:
mymetadata <- set_creator_orcids(mymetadata, 1234-1234-1234-1234)

#three creators, the second of which does not have an ORCiD:
creator_orcids <- c("1234-1234-1234-1234", NA, "4321-4321-4321-4321")
mymetadata <- set_creator_orcids(mymetadata, creator_orcids)
} # }