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test_missing_data scans the data package for common missing data (blanks/empty cells or NA in a cell). If there are no blanks or NAs, the test passes. If missing data are found and properly documented (missingValueCode is either "NA", "empty", or "blank"), the test passes. If any missing data is detected but not properly documented in the metadata, the test fails with an error.

Commonly, R will interpret blank cells as missing and fill in NA. To pass this test, you will need to either delete columns or tables with missing data (if they are completely blank), or add the appropriate as a missing data code during metadata creation (in the corresponding attributes.txt file).

This is a fairly simple test and ONLY checks for NA and blanks. Although there are many common missing data codes (-99999, "Missing", "NaN" etc) we cannot anticipate all of them.

When running test_missing_data() via run_congruence_checks(), the default for "detail_level" will be used and only file-level information about undocumented missing values will be reported to condense the error message output. When attempting to identify specifically which data have undocumented missing values, it may be helpful to run test_missing_data() with the parameter "detail_level" set to "columns". This will output a list of all columns within each file with undocumented missing data.

Why is it important to document missing data? If a user wants to use your data and some of it is missing without an explanation or acknowledgement, the user cannot trust any of the data in your data package to be complete.


  directory = here::here(),
  metadata = load_metadata(directory),
  detail_level = "files"



the directory where the data file(s) are found (i.e. your data package). Defaults to the current working directory. On exit, returns to the current working directory.


The metadata object returned by load_metadata. If parameter not provided, defaults to calling load_metadata in current project directory.


String. Choose either "files" or "columns". Defaults to "files".


Invisibly returns metadata.


if (FALSE) {
test_missing_data(directory = here::here(),
  metadata = load_metadata(directory))

test_missing_data(directory = here::here(),
  metadata = load_metadata(directory),
  detail_level = "columns")