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test_header_num() checks the metadata files to ensure that each data file contains exactly one header row.


test_header_num(metadata = load_metadata(here::here()))



The metadata object returned by load_metadata. If parameter not provided, defaults to calling load_metadata in current project directory.


Invisibly returns metadata.


test_header_num() examines the numHeaderLines element from EML (currently only EML is supported) metadata to determine how many header rows there are. If there are no header rows or if there is more than one header row, the test fails with an error. The test also fails with an error if there is no information about the number of header rows.


meta <- load_metadata(DPchecker_example("BICY_veg"))
#> Data are provided for example use only. Do not assume that they are complete, accurate, or up to date.
#>  Metadata indicates that each data file contains exactly one header row.