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test_dates_parse() will examine all data columns that are described as containing dates and times. Although it can handle multiple different formats, the ISO-8601 format for dates and times is HIHGLY recommended (ISO is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss or just YYYY-MM-DD). The function will compare the format provided in the data files to the format indicated in metadata. If there are no dates indicated in the metadata, the test fails with a warning. If there are dates and the formats match, the test passes. If the formats do not match, the test fails with an error. The specific files and columns that failed are indicated in the results.


test_dates_parse(directory = here::here(), metadata = load_metadata(directory))



the directory where the data file(s) are found (i.e. your data package). Defaults to the current working directory. On exit, returns to the current working directory.


The metadata object returned by load_metadata. If parameter not provided, defaults to calling load_metadata in current project directory.


Invisibly returns metadata


test_dates_parse() will examine EVERY cell in a column of dates until it hits a date format that does not match the format specified in metadata. For large datasets, this process can take a minute or two. If there is even one typo in your data file, it will cause the function to throw an error. Frequent source of error include viewing dates in Excel, which can be deceptive, typos, and changes in the date format over time or with changing personnel.


dir <- DPchecker_example("BICY_veg")
#> Data are provided for example use only. Do not assume that they are complete, accurate, or up to date.
#>  Metadata and data date formatting is in congruence.